Stemming the feeding frenzy, Part 2

2 months ago
stemming-the-feeding-frenzy,-part-2Stemming the feeding frenzy, Part 2

December 9, 2024

A few docs to watch, a few tips to save

Phew – we’ve gotten through Black Friday and Cyber Monday!  But Christmas, that other annual peak in spending and consumption, is still ahead of us – tempting (or guilting?) us into spending money we may not even have, on stuff that may not even be wanted.  It’s often not good for our wallets, and it’s never good for the planet.

So in advance of Christmas, and in the hope of promoting financial and environmental savings, two suggestions:

  • If you’re a Netflix subscriber, why not take a timeout to watch Buy Now: The Shopping Conspiracy?  It’s a great eye-opener to the tactics used by corporations to sell us more stuff, and the consequences of that hyper-consumerism.
  • Or take a few minutes to watch The Story of Stuff.  It was created in 2007 and may stretch things a bit, but its underlying key messages are valid.  (And for a deeper dive, visit the Story of Stuff website for similar easy-to-watch videos on the stories of electronics, bottled water, cosmetics, plastic, cap & trade and many more.)

Then plan to make your difference this Christmas by focussing on

  • Prioritizing time with loved ones over everything else
  • Limiting purchases to quality products that loved ones will love
  • Focussing on experiences rather than stuff
  • Supporting local businesses and your local community
  • Normalizing regifting and giving used goods
  • Thinking about things that could make a real difference in a household struggling with affordability

Need more ideas? Here are 50 great eco-friendly tips to help!

Thanks for being a Green Ideas subscriber! Happy holidays, and see you in January!

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