Labos Créatifs recrute!
Nous sommes à la recherche de jeunes pour occuper des postes de mentors STIMA au sein de nos programmes parascolaires. Consultez notre offre d’emploi ici:
Brilliant Labs is hiring!
We are seeking enthusiastic individuals for STEAM mentor positions to assist in our after-school programs. Explore the opportunity here:
Emploi et Développement social Canada Government of Newfoundland and Labrador Government of New BrunswickAnglophone South School DistrictDistrict scolaire Nord-EstPrince Edward Island GovernmentAnglophone East School DistrictNova Scotia Education and Early Childhood DevelopmentDistrict scolaire francophone du Nord-OuestNova Scotia GovernmentLa Commission scolaire de langue française de l’Î.-P.-É.STEM NorthCity of Saint JohnDistrict scolaire francophone SudColchester-East Hants Public LibraryCentre d’Apprentissage du Haut-MadawaskaBibliothèque publique de Fredericton Public LibraryBibliothèque publique de Saint John Free Public LibraryMoncton High SchoolPEI Public Library Service